Privacy Policy
Payment of classes is on a monthly bases at the start of each month by cash in an envelope, bank transfer, stripe or paypal. Any fee's outstanding by the last week of the month will occur a £5 late fee.
If your child is to be absent from class/classes no fee's will be carried over to the following month.
bank transfer= 60-83-71, 95788970 (Kids name as reference)
Paypal= (Kids name as reference)
Dance JC produces videos and publications from time to time for the purpose of promoting Dance JC. Signing the form you consent to Dance JC using publishing the photographs/videos listed-
- In any publications including written, multimedia reports, guides and broachers.
- On Dance JC website or media sites.
- In a DVD that may be viewed and distributed as publicity material.
- When giving your consent please be aware that the internet is accessible to millions of users that will be indexed by search engines and that it may be copied and used by any web user. Once a photograph is published on the internet Dance JC will have no control over it's subsequent use and disclosure. You also acknowledge that you are not entitled to any remuneration, royalties or any other payment from Dance JC in respect of the use by Dance JC of the photograph's/video's.